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Thomas Geffen Counselling Psychologist

Life can be full of important, painful and challenging relationships, and therapy is a relationship experience that can lead to insight and positive change. I offer face-to-face therapy at Encompass Health Centre in Gardens, Cape Town in the City Bowl area and provide online counselling via Zoom. I have experience in providing psychotherapy, including play therapy and couples therapy and work with infants, children, teenagers and adults. I have a special interest in trauma, anxiety, depression and more, and I offer short-term or more long-term work as needed. It can be difficult to know how to find a therapist. You can find out more about therapy, see what rates I charge, book a session, contact me, or ask a question.


I am a registered psychologist and have a Master of Arts degree (cum laude) in Community-Based Counselling Psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand. I also completed my undergraduate at Wits, achieving a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, followed by my Honours in Psychology. During my Master's training, I also provided counselling at the Emthonjeni Centre at Wits. I worked as an intern at Ububele, a non-governmental organisation that provides psychological services to those in Alexandra Township and the surrounding areas. Currently, I work as a therapist in private practice in Gardens, Cape Town (City Bowl). I also provide my services to schools and run workshops and groups, as well as corporates services such as trauma debriefing. I also have experience as an undergraduate and postgraduate lecturer, and as a counsellor at an addiction rehab centre.

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Find out more about psychology, the mind, therapy and you. Visit my blog or click on a blog post to read. 

Read one of my latest articles:  LGBTI+ People Facing Discrimination & GBV in Gender Links and How to Be More Playful, published in Bona Magazine.

Thomas Geffen Counselling Psychologist 
14 Kloof ave, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001
076 390 1917 |

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